From abdominal surgery to total joint replacements, Victoria Physical Therapy can assist you in making a complete recovery after any kind of surgical procedure. Dr. Mary Drost, PT, DPT, CEEAA and Dr. Byran McAdams, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, have many years of experience in all types of post-surgical recovery. We will develop a customized plan that will address things like scar tissue, areas of pain and tightness, and areas of weakness while protecting the integrity of the surgical repair. Depending on the surgical procedures some surgeons may not automatically refer you to PT. If that's the case, then let them know you would like a referral to VPT to help you address post-surgical impairments so you can get back to the life you want to live!
Research is showing the value of "pre-therapy," which is physical therapy before you have a surgical procedure. Improving strength and flexibility before surgery has been shown to improve recovery time and your overall outcome after surgery. Either your surgeon or primary medical provider can refer you for "pre-therapy." At VPT we will create a custom plan to address mobility, strength, pain, and joint restrictions so that you can have the best possible outcome after surgery. Here are some examples: